
Las Llaves del Cielo’ (The Keys to Heaven) is an audiovisual and print project about shamanism and the ancient cult of the San Pedro cactus. All the images were taken during a ceremony celebrated in the Peruvian Andes

My Role
  • Film
  • Photography
  • Analogue Print
  • Art Gallery
  • Art
  • Documentary

Las llaves
del cielo

This exhibition documents a journey to a region where the living coexists with the dead, and thus, the island of Tierra del Fuego becomes the territory where the state of the body is separated from the bones; the past from memory.

Video Thumbnail
Trailer Huesos de Bagual

The project was developed in collaboration with independent artists and photographers, some from Chile and others from Peru. All the images come from printed photographs that were later transferred with pyroxylin to paper prepared to support the ink from the original print. This technique was selected with the intention of metaphorically replicating the visual impressions experienced in the mind during the trance induced by the active ingredient of the sacred cactus.
